Steps to Success

Steps to Success

Success Breeds Success

  • EVERY business requires an investment of money, time and effort. Don't waste any of it.
  • Start right away to get immediate results.
  • Following these steps is ESSENTIAL to your success.
  • Allow about an hour to do every step. Return here if you do not complete them in one go.
  • You are not officially started in the businessĀ  until you have completed ALL the steps .
  • If you are unsure of anything then contact your sponsor or upline.

Get Started Right Away

  • Register as a NEW Associate
  • Choose the highest value business option
  • Login to your Associate Back office (dashboard)
  • Click ALL options on the menus to familiarise yourself with your business resources
  • DO NOT spend too much time here. Avoid getting distracted.
  • Register with and login
  • Familiarise yourself with your new menu options and resources

Connect with Your Company on Social Media

  • Like your company's Facebook Page
  • Follow your company's Twitter Feed
  • Subscribe to your company's YouTube and Vimeo Channels
  • Bookmark your company's Blog
  • Join any Groups, Blogs, Feeds or Channels suggested by your Sponsor or Team Leader

Connect with GST on Social Media

Setup Your SupaClix Account

Start Marketing Immediately

  • Don't wait. You will learn as you go.
  • Invite ALL Your Friends to take a look at your business.
  • Share your SupaClix site on Social Media
  • Follow Up with your SupaClix visitors

Only Three Options

There are only 3 options after your prospect has reviewed the information on your site:

  • Do Something NOW - Get them started right away.
  • Do Something LATER - Ask questions! What do they need to learn?
  • Do Nothing - Thanks for your interest... Bye!

Build Using the Power of FIVE

  • Sponsor FIVE new Associates in your first week (one per day).
  • If you get more then that's a good thing.
  • Teach every new Associate to Sponsor FIVE new Associates in their first week.
  • If it takes longer then that is OK, but fast creates more excitement and is more fun.
  • Teach FIVE get FIVE and watch your business EXPLODE!

Do Business Things Daily

  • Contact, Invite and Followup DAILY! Make it a habit.
  • DO NOT prejudge ANYONE. You do NOT know their current situation UNTIL you ask.
  • Email your email list with your SupaClix website address.
  • Work only with those who are respond and show interest.
  • Ignore (for now) those who initially show no (or little) interest.
  • DO NOT get into discussion about anything that a website, video or PDF document can explain.
  • Don't try to re-invent the wheel! It will make your life harder.
  • Use the systems, tools and resources provided by your sponsor, upline and team. They have been shown to work.

Use Your Sponsor and Upline

Call at least FIVE of your immediate upline Associates and introduce yourself. If you do not have their contact details then make sure your sponsor gets them to you right away.

Tell them WHY you have chosen to join the business and what your dreams and aspirations are. That way they have YOUR interests in mind when you contact them for assistance.

Choose a mentor from your upline (does not have to be your sponsor) and work with them. They have the interest and experience to make you successful.

They ONLY make money when YOU make money.

  • Call them
  • Email them
  • Text them
  • Skype them
  • Visit them

Use The System

  • Follow the system. Duplicate what works.
  • Don't say to yourself (or your upline) "I want to do it my way". You will most likely fail and get no help.
  • Create a decent passive income first, (let's say, $3000 per month)
  • Experiment with new marketing or business ideas only after you are making good money.
  • Systems are there because they have been tested to work.
  • Don't try to "re-invent the wheel"

Learn As You Earn

  • DO NOT expect to know everything right away.
  • You will learn the business strategy as you go.
  • Use this website to learn the right way to do things.
  • Learn from the success of others who have gone before.
  • Share your successes (and even your defeats). It creates resilience.
  • DO NOT expect immediate riches unless you put in the work.
  • You CAN, however, make quick income if you do everything right.
  • Slow and steady is OK and a great way to make an income for most people
  • Fast is more fun!

Get On the Fast Track

Can you imagine earning over $100,000 in just 12 months?

Maybe you want to do it faster? In 12 weeks? What about 12 days?

Anything is possible when you follow the Fast Track to Freedom.

There are no income guarantees. It DOES require work. And you MUST make sales and bring in CUSTOMERS.

To make it happen you must be willing to dedicate a few hours a day for a few short weeks to kick it into gear.

But in the end it will all be worthwhile.

Create a Legacy Business

Do this right (now) and you could create a legacy business that can set you up for the rest of your life.

One you can pass onto your children.

So get started making some-time, part-time, full-time or crazy-money passive income while helping others and having a great time.

Start InvitingĀ  >>