Marketing Types
Job (Just Over Broke)
- Work for someone on an hourly basis
- Get told what to do
- Get healthcare benefits
- Get paid for sick days
- Limited advancement and income
Direct Marketing
- Sell your own product or someone else’s
- Job that requires you to sell before you get paid
- Self-employed commissioned agent
- Usually face to face
- Often requires you to drive to the prospect
- Open ended commissions,
- Limited by your available time
- No income when you take time off
Online Marketing
- Amazon
- Ebay
- Advertise locally or globally
- Target location demographics
- Can be expensive if you get it wrong
Affiliate Marketing
- Get paid to sell someone else’s product
- Earn open ended commission
- Somewhat time constrained
- Usually Online
- Social media leverage
- Can ‘recruit’ other affiliates and earn percentage of their sale
- Earn from up to 2 levels of affiliates
Network Marketing
- Work for yourself
- Affiliate Marketing over Multiple Levels
- Can be unlimited income and opportunity
- Usually global reach
Social Media Marketing
- YouTube
- Now used with ALL marketing types
- Global or local reach
- Target specific demographics (eg. male, over 30, owns a dog, football fan)
- Highest trust level