Earn Trust

Earn Trust

Without trust you have a very poor business.

"Eighty-seven per cent of Australians would refuse to buy from a company they do not trust, and 93% said they chose to buy product or services from companies they trust. PR WARRIOR: If corporate Australia continues to waste money blasting one-way messages at people (advertising) at the expense of rebuilding their declining reputations, not only will their advertising become increasingly less effective but consumers will continue to drift away, preferring to give their business to companies they perceive to be more open in their communications, more transparent in their dealings and more community-minded in their actions - indeed, more 'trustworthy'. "
Source: http://prwarrior.typepad.com

Friends are usually friends BECAUSE they trust you. If they don't then they are probably NOT your friend.

Most Facebook 'Friends' are actually just acquaintances (contacts)

Customers who buy from you keep doing so because they trust you (for value or service)

"Crucially, 87 per cent of Australians would refuse to buy from a company they did not trust, while 93 per cent said they chose to buy products or services from companies they trusted."
Source: http://prwarrior.typepad.com

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